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Relativism is a philosophical viewpoint that suggests that there is no absolute truth or validity in moral, ethical, or knowledge claims. In this perspective, all points of view are equally valid, and truth is relative to the individual or the cultural context.  This has an enormous effect on the student’s behavior.


How Secular Public Education Teaches Relativism Curricular Content:

In many secular public education systems, the curriculum is designed to present multiple perspectives on various issues, whether they are historical, scientific, moral, or cultural. This is done with the intention of promoting critical thinking and cultural awareness, but it can sometimes lead to the impression that all viewpoints are equally valid, regardless of their factual basis or moral standing. Moral and Ethical Education: Moral and ethical discussions in public schools often emphasize personal choice and cultural diversity without anchoring these choices in any absolute moral framework. This approach can inadvertently teach students that moral decisions are entirely subjective.



Historical Interpretations: In subjects like History or Social Studies, different interpretations of events are presented, suggesting that truth is a matter of perspective.

Scientific Theories: In Science classes, various theories might be taught as equally plausible explanations for phenomena, without a clear distinction between well-established facts and less supported hypotheses.

Cultural Studies: Courses that explore different cultures and belief systems may present all cultural practices and beliefs as equally valid, without critically examining the underlying values or truths. 


Relativism in Christian Education:

Emphasis on Biblical Orthodoxy

Christian education, especially within the orthodoxy, emphasizes the existence of absolute truths, many of which are revealed primarily in Scripture. This is in contrast to the relativistic approach seen in secular education. How Biblical Orthodoxy Addresses Relativism Absolute Truths: Christian education teaches that there are unchanging truths, especially in moral and ethical realms, as revealed by God through the Bible. This worldview asserts that truth is not merely a matter of personal opinion or cultural context but is grounded in the character and revelation of God.


Biblical Integration in Curriculum:

Subjects are taught from a perspective that acknowledges and integrates biblical truths. For example:


History: Historical events are taught with the understanding that God's sovereignty and providence play a role in human affairs.

Science: Scientific exploration is seen as a way to understand God’s creation, with an emphasis on the consistency and orderliness of the natural world as a reflection of its Creator.

Moral Education: Moral and ethical teachings are grounded in biblical principles, emphasizing that moral truths are not subject to personal preference but are based on the absolute moral character of God.

Critical Engagement with Culture: While acknowledging the diversity of cultures and perspectives, Christian education encourages students to critically engage with these views through the lens of biblical truth, rather than accepting all perspectives as equally valid.


In summary, while secular public education often adopts a relativistic approach, teaching that truth varies based on context and perspective, Christian education grounded in biblical orthodoxy asserts the existence of absolute truths, particularly in moral and ethical matters, as revealed in Scripture. This fundamental difference in approach shapes the entire educational experience in Christian schools. 


Source: Why Christian Education Relativism (1).pdf(Review) - Adobe cloud storage

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