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At Central Christian Academy, we believe in providing a strong foundation in academics for our young students. Our curriculum is designed to foster a love for learning and curiosity in our students. We offer classes in various subjects such as Social Studies, Science, Math, Literature Arts, Art and Physical Education, all taught with a Christian worldview. Our goal is to prepare our students to become responsible and knowledgeable citizens who will contribute positively to their communities in the future.



Curriculum and Academics

CCA offers an outstanding academic program with a solid biblical foundation, which supports and enhances our program of academic excellence. We use a research-based curriculum from Abeka, which has been proven throughout the years to lay the fundamental skills needed to read and write while effectively building a solid foundation in Christ. Furthermore, the Abeka curriculum prepares children adequately for a lifetime of successful learning experiences.


For more information on the Abeka curriculum, please visit their website at


Assessment of Student Performance

All students will be assessed regularly, with results sent to parents. Students will also receive a mid-year and an end of the year report card. 3rd graders and above will take standardize tests at the end of each year.


Homework & Tests

Age appropriate homework is assigned regularly and contributes to a student’s education through individual work, responsibility, comprehension, completion of projects, and the establishment of good study habits.  


Subjects for Elementary Students 

Bible: Students are equipped to understand and apply the Bible personally in their lives. We start preparing our students as early as two years old in our preschool program. We want all our students to eventually be comfortable sharing the gospel and their faith with others. 


Reading & Writing: CCA strategically focuses on grammar, spelling, vocabulary, literature, critical thinking, and writing instruction. Students are exposed to various genres of literature. Reading is essential and students have reading assignments, research projects, writing topics, and class discussions. Our goal is to build and empower well-read Christian leaders, who are effective writers and influential speakers that are motivated by a biblical worldview. 


English & Literature: We want to provide students with a solid foundation of varied literature and writings, and teach them to evaluate these writings for literary excellence as well as biblical truth. By allowing students to examine various aspects of our history and culture through literature in the light of God’s truth and under the guidance of a Christian teacher, they will have the opportunity to further develop a Christian worldview.


Science: Life sciences will focus on physiology and functions of living things, interrelationships of all organisms, and man’s place within God’s scheme of creation taught from a creationist’s viewpoint. The course of study will expose students to various theories related to the origin of life while teaching students to evaluate these theories for scientific facts as well as biblical truth. 


Math: CCA will foster students and help them to develop a deep mathematical knowledge with logical reasoning. We believe this will allow students to solve real life problems at the highest level. Our small class sizes allow for each student to be challenged at their individual level. Planning, instruction, and assessment are all implemented through the lens of a biblical worldview.  


Social Studies & History: CCA will provide a Christian perspective on world events, past and present, with an emphasis on the role of Christians in the future. Beginning in middle school, we will teach United States history, laying a solid foundation of the values and principles for which our nation was founded. In high school, we will teach World History, American History, Government, Politics, and Economics through the lens of a biblical worldview. The importance of positive citizenship, humility, and compassion. Our students graduate knowing the story of mankind, with a desire to serve and advance the Kingdom of God. 


Physical Education: From the youngest age, students develop a foundation that teaches basic motor skills. Slowly, as students develop physically and mentally, we add challenging activities giving them the opportunity to explore and use their imagination. We promote physical activities that use creative thinking skills that help build the qualities needed for traditional and lifelong sports. At CCA we believe that a strong PE program helps students gain positive attributes which in return will build confidence to serve and lead a healthy lifelong lifestyle focused on Jesus Christ. 


Art/Music/Sign Language: General art, music, and sign language classes teach students the fundamentals and the basics. At least once a week CCA students worship in song in our Chapel. Students can also take private music lessons through Central Music Academy on our campus. 


Spanish: Spanish is the central foreign language taught in all grades starting with kindergarten. Our teachers offer engaging and challenging activities so that our students gain a love of learning Spanish through listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Students learn Spanish twice a week.


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